Cursos Concertados – Facultad de Filología de la Universidad de Sevilla

Alumnos entrando en la facultad

Las Facultades de Filología y de Geografía e Historia de la Universidad de Sevilla le dan la bienvenida a sus Cursos Concertados, un programa especial de estudios dirigidos exclusivamente a estudiantes de universidades extranjeras y/o de los Programas Internacionales que hayan suscrito convenio con nuestra universidad.

Para la información de los Cursos en español, abra la pestaña de ESPAÑOL.


The University of Seville Faculties of Philology and Geography & History welcome you to their Courses of Study for Students from Abroad, a special study program available exclusively to those students belonging to universities from abroad and/or to International Programs with which agreements have been signed.

For the Course information in English, open the ENGLISH tab.

Facultad de Filología / Faculty of Philology Facultad de Geografía e Historia / Faculty of Geography & History

Decanos / Deans


Dr. Javier Martos Ramos



Dra. Mª Antonia Carmona Ruiz



Directores de los Cursos / Course Directors



Dr. Javier Martín González


Dr. José Miranda Bonilla



Secretaría de Cursos de Extranjeros

Facultades de Filología y de Geografía e Historia

Universidad de Sevilla

C/ Palos de la Frontera s/n

41004 Sevilla, España


Tlfno: (95) 4 55 14 93/ Telefax: (95) 4 55 13 43

  • Important Academic Information

    The following list contains essential academic information to be considered in our program:

    • Students can only register in our courses through foreign universities and international programs who have signed agreements with the University of Seville (see the section Partner Programs).


    • Our program is offered in two distinct semesters: fall-winter and winter-spring. The course listing usually varies between them (see the section Academic Calendar).


    • Individual courses meet for 4 hours a week for a total of 45 hours per semester.


    • Each group will have a maximum of 30 students. In those cases in which enrolment exceeds that number, a second group will be created. Courses in which enrolment is below 10 participants will not be offered.


    • Regular attendance at class sessions is compulsory and students who miss three class sessions without credible justification being provided will find their Final Grade reduced by a full 0.5.


    • Students will be expected to demonstrate their assimilation of course content in the examinations which will be set in each course. Midterm and Final exams will be held on the dates indicated in the Academic Calendar (see the section Academic Calendar). Exceptions will only be considered under very special circumstances, with documentary justification being required, as well as the written permission of the student’s tutor, which will then need to be ratified by the Directors of the Program for Students from Abroad within each of the Faculties.
  • Academic Calendar




    4 teaching hours per week / per course

    Class sessions: Mondays and Wednesdays; Tuesdays and Thursdays

    Classes begin from 9 a.m on


    FIRST SEMESTER:          September 23 December 12, 2024

                                                Opening ceremony: September 20


    Exam periods:

    Midterm exams: October 30 and 31

    End-of-semester exams: December 11 and 12




    October 10 (Thursday)

    December 9 (Monday)

    Program non-school day

    Inmaculada Concepción (1)


    (1) National Holiday


    SECOND SEMESTER:      February 3May 13, 2025

                                                 Opening ceremony: January 31

    Exam periods:

    Midterm exams:  March 12 and 13

    End-of-semester exams:  May 12 and 13


    HOLIDAYS / NON-SCHOOL DAYS February 27 (Thursday)

    March 3 (Monday)

    April 14-17

    April 21 (Monday)

    May 1 (Thursday)

    May 5-8

    Program non-school day

    Program non-school day

    *Holy Week (1)

    Program non-school day

    Program non-school day

    *Feria de Sevilla (2)


    (1)  National Holiday

    (2)  Local Holiday, Seville

    * The exact dates may change



  • Course Offerings and Schedules
  • Course Syllabi

    See “Programas de asignaturas” in the Spanish version.

  • Faculty

    See “Profesorado” in the Spanish version.



  • Reception and Information Session

    The week before the beginning of our classes, a Reception and Orientation Session will be held for all those students who are registered in the Courses of Study for Students from Abroad. During the event students will be welcomed by the Deans of the respective Host Faculties and the Directors of our Courses, as well as by staff of the Humanities Library and the Computer Centers, together with Student Delegates from the Areas of Culture and Sports, and language exchange program coordinators, among others. Students will be briefed on the general guidelines for the commencement of a new academic semester.

  • Library Services and Computer Centers

    Library Services

    The Humanities Library (of the Faculty of Philology and the Faculty of History and Geography), together with the General Library and other Library units in different Centers within the campus as a whole, make up the Library of the University of Sevilla.

    In addition to the information provided during the Orientation Session, Library staff offers those students who may be interested guided visits to the Antique Book Resource Area, as well as to the rest of the facilities belonging to the Humanities Library. A calendar and the timetable for such visits are available upon request from the Library Information Office (first floor, just off the Reading Room).

    Students are encouraged to visit the Library Services webpage:

    Computer Centers

    Faculty of Philology

    The students in the Partner Programs with Universities Abroad who are registered in the courses provided by the Faculty of Philology or the Faculty of Geography and History, either through the regular course system or the specific Partner Program system, can take full advantage of the Open-Access Computer Room next to the Faculty of Philology Computer Center.

    Students will be able to obtain their Virtual User Identification (UVUS) by going in person to the Faculty of Philology Computer Center so that their passport or ID provided by the Office for Courses for Students from Abroad may be verified. Virtual User Identification (UVUS) will give a student access to Internet via a laptop. The instructions to be followed in this regard can be found on the following webpage:

    The Open-Access Computer Room of the Faculty of Philology Computer Center is open from Monday through Thursday from 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.

    The following Services are provided by the Computer Center:

    • the signing on, or modification, of virtual user passwords (providing access to Personal Academic Records, E-mail Accounts, E-Learning, Wireless Options, )
    • the clearance of University Identity Cards for use at Information Points (PIUS) throughout the Campus
    • the setting-up of laptops for wifi connections
    • printing via PCs within the Center’s Computer Room, for which a Printing Card can be purchased from the Faculty of Geography and History Copy-Shop.

    Faculty of Geography and History

    The G&H Computer Center is open to be used at any time between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. The services provided by the Computer Center and its IT Classrooms are as follows:

    • the modification of virtual-user passwords (providing access to Personal Academic Records, E-mail Accounts, E-Learning, Wireless Options, etc.)
    • the clearance of University Identity Cards for use at Information Points (PIUS) throughout the Campus
    • the setting-up of laptops for wifi connections
    • the provision of temporary loan cards (which give access to computers with a card- user feature)
    • IT-based assessment in matters concerning software and hardware
    • printing via PCs within the Center and the Center’s Computer Room, for which a Printing Card can be purchased from the Faculty of Geography and History Copy- Shop
    • the scanning of documents, microfilm material, slides (this service being available only in the Computer Center Room, via a ‘by prior request’ procedure).
  • Language Exchange and other Extracurricular Activities


    The Autonomous Language Learning Centre (APLA) of the Faculty of Philology offers throughout the school year a series of activities for the promotion of student and teacher autonomy in the learning and teaching process of L2 such as linguistic advice and coaching, conversation workshops and training conferences for students and teachers.

    APLA is also responsible for managing the Spanish-English Tandem Language and Cultural Exchange Programme. This is a programme tutored by professors from the Faculty of Philology in which native language participants work autonomously and with the guidance and supervision of tutors to develop and improve linguistic, communicative and intercultural competence. This activity, in which more than 2000 students from the University of Seville and other international universities have participated, is acknowledged with 2 ECTS by the University of Seville. More information about the activities of APLA and the registration in the Tandem program:



    Language Exchange

    All those students wishing to set up conversation exchanges with Spanish students in our Faculties, with the aim of improving their knowledge of Spanish, can request in:

    Phone: 954 48 60 16


    Support Services for the University Community (SACU)

    The SACU unit’s key aim is to provide students with support in the form of information, guidance, advice, and problem-solving, during their period of study at the University of Sevilla.

    For further information, contact:



    The SACU unit runs a Volunteers Office where those students who are interested in volunteer services will be provided with practical help, information and guidance about how to collaborate with humanitarian and non-governmental organizations. To find out about available options visit the University Volunteer Work Office in the Pabellón de Uruguay.

    For further information, write to

    Phone: 954 48 67 41

    Cultural Activities for Students Registered in the Partner Programs

    A series of activities (recitals, lectures, etc.) will be organized by the Course Directors with the aim of complementing the academic training and intercultural enrichment of the students registered with us. Information concerning these activities will be posted as the semester progresses.

    General Cultural Activities Organized by the Faculty of Philology and the Faculty of Geography and History

    Throughout the academic year numerous cultural activities, lectures, symposia, seminars, and conferences will take place. The dates on which they will be held, as well as information concerning venues and timetables, will appear on the websites of both Faculties.

    -Faculty of Philology

    -Faculty of Geography and History

    The University of Seville offers many cultural events through the Centro de Iniciativas Culturales de la Universidad de Sevilla (CICUS) –


    Cultural Activities in the City of Sevilla

    Sevilla offers a wide range of cultural activities. For information see the following links:

    Teatro Central

    Teatro Real Maestranza

    Teatro Lope de Vega

    El Giradillo


    Unidad de Atención al Estudiante Extranjero (Support for Students from Abroad)


    Phone: 954 48 13 92 / 954 48 13 93


    Further information about extra-curricular activities can be found in the section “The Student Delegation”.

  • The Student Delegation

    The Student Delegations of the Faculty of Philology and the Faculty of Geography and History are in charge of representing all the students of their respective centers at any forum and encourage them to get in touch with their Student Delegation Office regarding any kind of information which may be needed. Likewise, they are responsible for supporting any proposals coming from the student body. Finally, they include Culture and Sports areas.


    Faculty of Philology

    The Office is up the stairs opposite Room 110 in the Faculty of Philology

    The Philology Culture Area includes the following activities:

    • The Greco- Latin Classical Theater Workshop
    • Role-Playing Games Workshop
    • The Oriental Dance Workshop
    • The Creative Writing Workshop

    All activities and workshop sessions are held free of charge, and students are encouraged to sign up soon to avoid delays in getting the workshops underway. The activities are given for approximately an hour a week during the whole semester except for holiday periods.

    The Philology Sports Area organizes all sporting activities and the creation of teams for university championships. Thus far the following sports have been included: men’s indoor soccer, men’s basketball, and women’s volleyball. With enough team members other teams can be created (rugby, hockey, etc.) upon request.


    Faculty of Geography and History

    The Office is located next to the Copyshop of the Faculty of Geography and History.

    The Geography and History Culture Area is structured around the following groups:

    • The Games, Role-Play, and Cards Workshop
    • The Music Workshop
    • The Drama Workshop
    • The Cinema Workshop
    • The Library

    The Geography and History Sports Area organizes teams and tournaments in the following activities: men’s soccer, men’s and women’s indoor soccer, men’s and women’s basketball, men’s and women’s volleyball, uni-hockey (current champions in the University of Sevilla), handball, tennis, paddle tennis, table tennis, and chess.

  • Partner Programs

    At the present time, the Faculty of Philology and the Faculty of Geography and History are co-signatories of agreements with the following international programs:


    AIFS Study Abroad

    Eduardo Padial. Resident Director.


    A.P.I. (Academic Programs International)

    Lola Bernal. Resident Director.


    A.S.A. (Academic Studies Abroad)

    Steven Davis. Site Director.

    CC-CS (The Center for Cross-Cultural Study/Spanish Studies Abroad)

    Michelle Durán Ruiz. Director of Academic Affairs.


    CEA Study Abroad

    Víctor González. Center Director.

    Mary Alice Soriero. Academic Director.



    Yaye Baena. Academic Director.

    C.I.E.E. (Council on International Educational Exchange)

    Salvador Parra. CIEE Center Director.

    José Luis Martínez. Academic Director.


    C.L.I.C. (International House Seville)

    Bernhard Roters. Resident Director. Antonio Orta Gracia. Resident Coordinator.



    Carlos Valencia. Director.

    Global Education and Career Development Abroad

    Steven Davis. Managing Director, Seville:


    I.C.S. (International College of Seville)

    Juan Durá Doménech. Director.

    Sandra Soto Delgado. Academic Director.


    IFSA (Institute for Study Abroad)

    Antoinette Hertel. Director of Programmes in Spain.

    Daniel González. Student Experience Coordinator.


    I.S.A. (International Studies Abroad)

    Ángel Eguiluz Pacheco. Senior Vice President Global Operations.

    Enrique López Borrego. Resident Director.


    Language for Life

    Rocío Chávez Martín. Co-Director.

    Natalia Cousté Montans. Co-Director.

    SAIIE (Spanish American Institute of International Education)

    José Luis Sierra. Academic Director.


    SIGE (Spanish Institute for Global Education)

    María Teresa Alonso. President.

    María José Gómez Durán. Academic Director.


    SIT Study Abroad

    Victor Tricot. Academic Director.

  • Announcements